Steve Shirreffs
Though he didn’t know it at the time, Steve Shirreffs began his training for home inspector in his years-long journey of scouting. The process of becoming an Eagle Scout cultivated the same traits in Steve that people seek in a home inspector, especially trustworthy and helpful.
Along the way Steve developed a passion and aptitude for buildings and construction. Steve has spent 35 years in hands-on construction and renovation work ranging from building his own home to owning a business as a handyman and carpenter. Steve’s diverse training and work has always involved wrapping several disciplines into one experience, so it’s no surprise he’s a thorough inspector who can consult on individual systems and components like the HVAC and foundation and the house as a whole.
Steve’s professional credentials include:
- ASHI (American Society of Home Inspectors) Certified Inspector
- ASHI at Home Training Program — most respected and comprehensive training
- ICC Certified Combination Inspector
- NADRA Certified Deck Inspector
- ASHI Certified Deck Inspector
- 9010 Sewer Scan Certification
- Bachelor of Arts, Interpersonal Communication from Trinity University
- Eagle Scout (only 1% of Boy Scouts receive this standing)
Clients with busy professions and families like working with Steve because his values of knowledge, hard work, and competency shine in his inspection consultation and report.
When he’s not empowering clients, Steve is most often found at home reading, working in his yard or shop. He’s a family man with two accomplished adult children. He still says he’s “enchanted” by his wife of 36 years, Robin.