Case Study: $982 Water Heater Leak Payment

June 9, 2023 | Home-Probe | Case Study

water heater leakThe Issue

The buyer called and after moving into their home. They discovered their water heater was leaking. There was no observation in the report indicating a leak, and the inspector reported the water heater was 3 years old.

What are the standards?

The inspector is required to inspect and describe the water heater, including its age. 

Was this avoidable?

No. The inspector did inspect and describe the water heater. It was not nearing the end of its life expectancy. There is a picture in the report of the water heater and no leak is visible. There was no indication the water heater would fail.

water heater 1

What did we do?

Home-Probe guided the client in seeking repair under our 100 Day Guarantee. Home-Probe  reimbursed the client $982, the cost of the repair. The limit on the guarantee is $1,000.

What could the inspector do differently?

This is a case where a component stopped functioning as intended with no indication available at the time of inspection. We would do nothing differently. 

How does Home-Probe prevent a repeat of this issue?

Our 100 Day Guarantee is an important part of the way we set the bar and lead the industry in client care. We budget for rare occasions when an inspection could not predict a future issue. 

Learn More About Our 100-Day Guarantee

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